cowboy heaven pendant

Available in Oak with an ebonized gold leaf finish.

Shown: Ebodnized Wax Finish on Ash, Gold Leaf, & LED.

Dimensions 70.75"l x 38.5"w x 15"h 

​The Cowboy Heaven  Ceiling Pendant is crafted to perfection using  a variety of woodworking and hand-sculpting techniques.  

​Photography by Matthew Millman.

The Bose residence is beautifully nestled within the mountains ranges of Montana, with a clear view of what appears to be heaven on earth.        

 Relating to this theme of mountains and heaven, my mind instantly refers back to the Bible when Jesus would oftentimes throughout His life resort to the mountains to be alone. It was upon a mountain where He spent 40 days alone in prayer and fasting to be prepared for His ministry. Many times after that, it was recorded in the Bible that Jesus would rise up early every morning before sunrise to go to a solitary place in the mountains to pray. When the pressures of life were becoming too much, He would resort to a mountain. When the religious sects in the synagogues would criticize Him, He would resort to a mountain. When people didn’t believe He was the Messiah and threatened to kill Him, He resorted to a mountain. When He just wanted to commune with His Heavenly Father, He went to a mountain. The mountains were a place of solace for Jesus. It was a place where He could get away from the multitudes of people for a moment and connect to heaven. It was a place where the Heavenly Father restored His strength. Every day, Jesus poured Himself out to countless souls who needed a touch from God. But the mountain was a place where the Father could pour back into Him everything that He had poured out. There was something glorious about the mountains. Even before Jesus was born on earth, prophets like Moses and Elijah resorted to the mountains to meet with God. Upon the mountains, they had heavenly encounters with the Lord. Upon the mountains, they got to know God on a personal level. They learned the heartbeat of God. They learned the soft side of God. They learned what He liked and what He did not like. They learned the side of Him that the world did not know. Because they made the journey to the mountains, they received heavenly access to God that a normal person would not have experienced. It was not that they were special or that they were above all the other people of their time. It was just that when God called them, they answered the call, while others ignored the call of God in their lives.  

The mountains were where they built an inseparable bond with God. Just like Jesus, it was where they found their solace. Therefore this pendant is titled “Solace”. Mimicking the mountains forms surrounding the Bose residence, this piece speaks that that very solace that Jesus, Moses & Elijah had during their heavenly mountain experiences.  

 This pendant is embodies the mountainous forms that speaks to that inseparable bond between mankind & God.


measure of time collection


Mountain Chair